Leadership Matter... Appointing the Right People To Lead Your Data Roles Is Your #1 Prerequisite For Data Success

Are You Rethinking Your Data Governance Execution?

Is your data governance adoption working for you? If your answer is 'No', this message is for you...

Today, many organizations' data governance adoption is simply in a 'comatose state.' Maybe you've been on this journey for a while. You're plagued with several stops and starts in your governance execution. On the paper, you have a data governance team; you're Cherrie picking what governance means to you. You're running a data-fixing factory under the pretense of a data governance adoption. Governance and Quality of your data are at the back burner of all your data initiatives.

You're checking off bare minimal data to govern to get you out of regulatory scrutiny.

You have leaders with titles without authority. You've caged your CIOs and CDO offices to normalize inactive governance.

The honest question you need to ask is simply – How serious is your organization's desire to drive optimal value out of your data with your data leaders? Are you sure you're intentional about your data dreams?

Foremost, Who Are Your Key Data Leaders?

Your Data Leaders are those who hold strategic roles to help actualize your organization's vision to use data as a catalyst to drive Innovation and Growth. These are your strategic leaders and champions of key decisions around your data asset to realize optimal value; your Data Leaders are typically your CIOs, your CDOs and Senior Executive Sponsors. They're the authoritative voice of your data appetite for growth and value.

These are not casual roles to be appointed. Your data leaders must be carefully selected and well-vetted as their success drives your success, and their failure drives the same.

How Can You Assess the Seriousness of Your Organization To Succeed With Your Data?

Answering this question is simple for every organization ready to admit their current strategy is simply not working. Take a look at your leadership.

The success of your data governance adoption will live or die by the Quality of your leadership team …

The caliber of people appointed into your critical data roles to drive your data initiatives will determine your seriousness to excel in your adoption journey. Here are a few cues to consider:

·  Who is driving your data management and data governance adoption?

·  What is the DNA of your data leaders?

·  Who is your CIO or your CDO?

·  Who are your Executive Sponsors?

·  Who are your Data Owners?

·  Are your data leaders empowered to drive your success?

·  Are they equipped to guide you to win?

·  Are you appointing leaders ready to play along with your business-as-usual cultural game and politics?

·  Are they passionate about your edge and relevance in your industry?

·  Are they simply checking off the list of data delivery and compliance requirements?

·  Are you governing without transforming your data culture?


Leadership Matters…

💡You cannot afford a leader with a fixed mindset to drive your data potential.

💡Having great data leaders is the most critical arsenal to drive success with your data governance adoption and prevent hiccups along the journey.

Why Leadership Matters?

Studies show that most Data Governance initiatives fail due to a weakness in identifying great leaders and key players to drive execution and adoption.

Data Governance Foundation is 'People' – Champion data leaders and advocate is the number one prerequisite for winning with data in our current global market.

Organizations led by great data leaders and champions will empower and equip their organizations with the right people to drive optimal value out of their data.

Great data leaders will advocate data ethics, and their energy will 'catch fire' and create the sustainable, Data-Driven cultural transformation the organization desires.

So, What Do You Look for in A-Data Leader(CDO, CIO, And Data Owners)?

·  You need a data champion, a respected transformer, and a collaborator.

·  You need a business-driven, forward-looking leader.

·  You need an unapologetic agent of data ethics and cultural transformation.

·  A leader who understands the value of quality data and its insight

·  A Leader who is ready to be disruptive to achieve your desired business outcome with quality data.

·  A builder and a vision driver.

Is it too late to rethink Your Data Leadership for Success?

Absolutely Not. It's not too late to position outstanding leadership to create a truly data-driven environment for success. This is actually the best time for any organization struggling to gain traction with their data to recalibrate and start the journey right. This is the right time to fix your weak foundation. This is a time to make up for your lost time and quickly position yourself for great opportunities unfolding in the new global market. This is a time for you to seize the opportunity of a globally paused economy from the pandemic to play catchup with your competitors.

Your relevance and edge in the market depend on how quickly you can rebase your data foundations with the appointment of great and forward-looking data champions. Fortify your success with visionaries ready to transform your data success. Leaders who are tired of playing business as usual with your data health are ready to build a dream team of data advocates to take your organization to the next level. Leaders ready to use your data to drive excellence in the marketplace.

There's simply not going to be a time like this in the world economy where the market is paused, and you get to kickoff and accelerate your journey with a lot of lessons learned from early adopters. However, this window of opportunity is closing as the world economy opens up with new energy and fierce competition to make up for the lost time. You simply need to be intentional with your plight to win with your data by investing in the right people to lead your Data Management and Governance Journey. You'll need to start governing your data environment to create a winning edge for your organization.

What Must I do to actualize success with my Leadership Roles?

•       Appoint data leaders who recognize trusted, governed data is the greatest asset for your organization to win and keep winning. Leaders who recognize you have an excellent opportunity to compete and remain relevant with your data.

•       Appoint leaders who know how to place the highest priority on the health of your data for your organization to thrive.

•       Appoint a leader who knows how to message down ethics and cultural awareness around data.

•       Find true data advocates and champions ready to lead and propagate the message of Quality, trusted, business-ready data across your enterprise.

•       Leaders ready to invest in the preventive health of your data by adopting governance around your data asset across the enterprise value chain. Data leaders ready to make data governance a core fabric of your organization's culture.

•       Leaders who know how to nurture a team and spark cultural transformation around data ethics.

In a nutshell, you need to engage the best and the brightest to help drive the cultural transformation of governance. Hire the right people into key roles and responsibilities and invest in your people by equipping and empowering them for success. With your key data roles appointment, send a loud and clear message across your organization and let everyone know you're serious about a business-ready environment for your organization to continue to remain relevant in its space and drive its competitive edge. Let everyone know you're no longer doing business as usual as the new market will call for a business unusual.

Build the momentum and define your end in mind with a very clear vision for your data leaders. Define your KPIs and set realistic targets to measure success along the way.

For more detail and practical help on how to help accelerate the journey of your data asset 'From Data to Insight'. Book a Free Call with me to discuss your challenges, and we can explore some practical strategies to actualize your data governance success.


Lara Gureje