What Are You Feeding Your AI Models? Your Data, Your Model, Your Analytics, Your Insight, Your Edge....

As the appetite for data continues to grow globally in the current marketplace, And the wave for exploiting Artificial intelligence to respond to our data demand increases, we continue to face hurdles with most of our models. Most organizations continue to battle the pain of trust and unexplainably around their AI Models.

Unfortunately, the often-overlooked fact is that the ability of every organization to position its data for innovation and competitive edge swiftly lies strongly on the quality of your most crucial raw material, Your Data.

Your data foundation must be solid for your models to be trusted and your analytics to be meaningful.

If you're struggling with your models and your analytics today, the question is simple – what is the quality of the data you're feeding your models?

Are you investing more in curation and data fixes? If the answer is 'Yes,' You need to rethink your execution strategy. Reacting to your growing pain and poor-quality data with curation and data fixes is a temporal bandage that would never solve the underlining problem


It's high time for every organization on a plight to optimize the insight in their data to realize the need for a governed data environment as their number one critical success factor.

The power of AI and Machine Learning is better accelerated with governed data in place.

Simply put, could that be your missing puzzle with AI/ML today?

Making Data Governance adoption the true fabric of your organization's data culture is your number one recipe for optimal innovations with meaningful value hard.

Finding the optimal insight and value in your data starts with the governance of the health of the same.

Spending eighty percent of your resource time curating and collecting data for your models is costly and unsustainable, and your pain never goes away.


FACT: The marriage of AI/Machine Learning and Data Governance is the sweet spot for realizing the optimal edge in your data asset. It's a win-win when you recognize this and realize you cannot do one effectively without the other.


So, how can you optimize your AI/ML models with Data Governance adoption?

The following are some practical tips:

·   Engage and kickoff Data Governance as a prerequisite for your AI/ML initiatives.

·   Harmonize the richness of your governed, trusted data set with your AI initiatives.

·   Recognize AI/ML as an enabler to do the heavy lifting for you to accelerate growth and harness creative insight from your rich data set. Not a replacement for good quality, business-ready data.

·   Recognize 'trusted data' as the primary raw material for realizing the full potential of your AI/ML initiatives.

·   Be aware of the quality of data you're feeding your models and realize it's not about volume. It's about the quality and trust.

·   Understanding the treatment of your data will ultimately expose the potential opportunities that lie within your data.

·   Educate your data citizens on the importance of good quality data for optimal ROI and invest in the cultural mindset shift of stewardship of due diligence around your data asset.

·   Build proactive governance and a stewardship community around your data value chain for sustainability and data maturity.

·   Continuously measure your model output against your input data quality.

·   Formalized the attestation and certification of your data input & output with engaged stewardship along your data journey (From Input Data to Output Model Validations).


In conclusion, AI is poised to change and improve different aspects of our lives going forward.


But for us to fully realize its greatest potential, we must position it for success with our Data and our People through cumulative responsibility of stewardship around our biggest raw material, our data asset.


In short:

 Governed Data yields Better/Trusted Data = Better Models = Better AI Predictions.

 Do you want to optimize your AI initiative with trusted, governed, quality data to unleash the full potentials of AI but don't know where to start?

Are you having challenges with the explainability and interpretability of your AI Models?

 Discuss your challenges and let's explore simple strategies for moving forward on a free Discovery Call:


Lara Gureje