Data Privacy Is Everyone’s Business

As we celebrated Data Privacy Day few days ago, the challenges presented by Data Privacy continue to be front of mind as regulators, rightly, hold us accountable to our customer loyalty and ethical use of their data. I personally believe everyday ought to be Data Privacy awareness day.

To this effect, It is worth reflecting on where we are in our organizations with some simple questions that may help you gauge your progression along the Data Privacy journey.

Q1: Is your organization intentional about its data protection strategy in its quest to harness innovation & insightful analytics from their data asset?

Q2: Do you have a strategy for making sure you’re not innovating at the expense of Privacy breach?

Privacy laws are forcing total transparency when it comes to customer data. 

The regulatory climate is being revved up with privacy laws like GDPR, CCPA and we can expect more to come. 

Regulators are demanding we show total transparency around ethical use of our customer data, forcing us to ask questions such as...

  • Where do we store our customer data?

  • Who has access to personal data?

  • With which 3rd parties do we share our data?

  • What kind of permissions are we giving to the data?

  • Which laws and policies are governing our enterprise data?

For instance, in California, we’ve all been busy working tirelessly to checkoff the mark on CCPA law that took effect this January. 

But we all know, being compliant is one thing, sustainability of the same is another. The question around this continues to linger with growing concerns around leakages and misuse of personal data despite these recent privacy law enactments. 

 To this effect, ask yourself some further questions.

  • Are you addressing the fundamental need for cultural transformation in your organization? 

  •  Are you succeeding in ‘communitizing’ your data asset with accountable ownership? 

  • Is your organization investing more in its people to mitigate both internal & external risks associated with data privacy? 

  • Are you strengthening stewardship around your data asset at all levels? 

Again, unlocking the power of ‘cumulative responsibilities of stewardship’ around your data access to foster accountability of due diligence throughout your data value chain is the key. 

How do we achieve this?

  • We need to promote stewardship around our customer data. 

  • We need to build a community of stewardship around our data domains. 

  • We need to raise cultural awareness in our data communities; to equip and empower our people to join the crusade and advocacy around Data Protection & Ethical use of our Customer Data.

  •  Next Steps

  • Do you need guidance on how to implement a successful data stewardship operating model?

  • Do you need help Communitizing stewardship around your data privacy investments by building a sustainable cumulative responsibility around your data lifecycle?

  • Do you need help training and equipping your data citizens in their roles and responsibilities along the data value chain? 

 Why not discuss your challenges and explore some simple strategies for moving forward on my free Discovery Call:

Lara Gureje