Data Stewardship Role Cards – Roles and Responsibilities


In a continuing series focused on the pivotal role of Data Stewardship, it's time to explore the 'What' of Data Stewardship in terms of roles and responsibilities. 

First, it's important to note that Data Stewardship aims to actualize the Governance and Management of your enterprise data assets holistically. This is vital for helping you realize the intended strategic goals of the enterprise as defined in the Data Governance Framework. 

Data Stewardship is a 'communitized' role with different actors across the data lifecycle. These actors (often referred to as Data Stewards) and Owners, constitute the Stewardship team. 

To this effect, the Stewardship team focuses on the critical activities and capabilities of realizing the cultural transformation of a Data Governance adoption. 

Data Stewardship ensures that your corporate data asset is trusted and business ready because it's critical that you ensure your Enterprise Data are identified, rightfully sourced, classified, protected, used and managed - throughout the data lifecycle. 

The Data Stewardship team is typically responsible for:

  • Advocation of Data Governance Framework across the organization

  • Identification and creation of Data Communities and Data allies throughout the enterprise.

  • Stewardship oversight around Issues Management & Remediation

  • Identification of Data Domains, Sources with clear ownership definitions & accountability 

  • Facilitation and adoption of Metadata Management for Common Data Standards & Definitions to promote ethical use of enterprise data

  • Facilitation of transparency around data journey though Lineage Management 

  • Identification of Single Traceable Authoritative Sources of enterprise data

  • Facilitation of Data Quality Rules definition, management and ongoing quality monitoring

  • Issues Management and Remediation.

Stewardship Roles and Responsibilities around governance capabilities

1. Ownership and Data Community setup

· Building communities around data, establishing and identifying data citizens into roles and responsibilities around data management throughout its lifecycle – from creation to consumption.

· Promoting transparent, authoritative ownership and accountability for due diligence.

2. Metadata Management & Classification

· Promoting a common data taxonomy, standards and definitions of data around enterprise data through proper documentation of Data Catalogue, Dictionaries and Business Glossaries. This helps maximize the use of shared data across the enterprise, which in turn reduces reporting risks and facilitates data discovery.

· Promoting the ethical use of data by facilitating standard data classifications and identification of sensitivity around enterprise data.

· Facilitating and driving identification of single traceable authoritative 'golden sources of truth' for enterprise data for consistent reporting and decision making.

3. Data Lineage Management

  • Facilitating and promoting transparency around data journey through lineage traceability across data lifecycle.

  • Documenting traceability map for data citizens on where data originates, is transformed and consumed.

  • Exposing potential risks and opportunities in data sourcing, controls, gaps and usage. Showing alignment of data owners across the data lineage.

4. Data Quality Management

  • Facilitating collaborations around enterprise standards for consumable data for the organization by defining quality rules, acceptable thresholds measurement and continuous monitoring.

  • Effective dashboarding to provide transparency and awareness around data issues. 

  • Providing opportunities for data maturity and quality improvement. 

 5. Issues Management & Remediation

  • Driving issue identification, tracking, review and effective remediation. 

  • Promoting common issue management lifecycle – tracking, ownership assignment and prioritization for remediation & closure

6. Change Control Management

  • Promoting the establishment of a standardized enterprise change management control process of ongoing changes in defined governance around enterprise data (Sourcing, Metadata, Lineage and Quality rule changes) 

Question:  What other roles have you assigned to your Data Stewardship framework? Why not share in the comments below?

Next Steps

Want to learn how to implement a Data Stewardship capability in your organization? Need some help to make your existing Data Stewardship team become more successful?

 Find out how to set your Data Stewardship team for success by booking a free Discovery Call with Lara Gureje:

Data StewardshipLara Gureje