Building Communities of Data Stewardship Around Your Data Asset

You've heard me say Data Stewardship is the 'Heartbeat' of effective Data Governance

I actually wrote about this recently in: Data Stewardship As The Heartbeat of Effective Governance.

This week, I’m releasing daily articles that help you focus in on your own success journey in data governance using stewardship to drive your altitude for success. 

Today I want to focus on ‘Building a Community of Data Stewards around your Data Domain’.

I believe the Formation & Building of Community of Data Stewardship around your data domain is truly what sets in motion the operationalization of successful Data Governance adoption in any organization. 

This is one of the key pillars that signal readiness for governance execution, once you’ve established your executive buy-ins and created an adoption framework that has been formalized and ratified of course.

To jump start this, you need a roadmap.

Knowing you cannot boil the ocean and govern the universe of your data in one-go, it’s recommended to go agile with your governance execution.

You will need to figure out your execution model and focus in your Governance Framework.

There are typically 5 options that can drive your execution…

·  By Subject Areas

·  By Business Process

·  By Project

·  By Function

·        By Systems of Record

Why do I need to build Community of Stewardship around my Data?

For success to be realized in your Data governance adoption, you need to build a community of data allies and stewards around your enterprise data value chain. This will set the foundation for your success and drive the altitude of your Data Maturity to an accelerated rate.

How do I start building Community of Stewardship around my Data?

I’ve summarized these into the essential steps below and we’ll try walking through each of the bullets throughout the week:

Identify Your Data Community Members

Start by identifying the ‘who and who’ of each data domain.

Understand your organization’s operating model. I’ve often found its easier to build community around your Data Domains or Functions.

Find the synergy and build community around your operational setup. This would involve getting to know how each domain works through talking to several people to try and identify the ‘who and who’ of their Data Domains. You’re looking for key allies and champions that can help evangelize your governance execution.

In summary, you need to establish the following for your community membership identification:

·Document what is known about each Data Community

o  List the primary business purpose for their data

o  List who originates the data, how data is used/transformed, and who sees the data

o  List the relevant systems and applications

·Identify Community Stakeholders

o  List business functions where subject-matter experts for data reside

o  List business functions that must approve changes to the definition or usage of their data

Tip: Multiple business units may consume the same data, but which functions would consider the data as Key Data? Those who have ultimate authority to define the data are most likely candidates for the role of Data Owner.

·Create candidate list of Business Owners

o  Identify best fit Data Champions in executive roles in each data community

o  List individuals who most closely fi­t the role of Business Owner for each community

Tip: You’re looking for senior or mid-level management candidates with authoritative respect in their community. You’re looking for advocates who are close to the pain point. Not necessarily the doers, but the driver of the doers.

· Create candidate list of Data Owners/Data Process Owners

o  List individuals who currently hold authority over data (at origination/transformation stages)

o  List individuals who most closely fit the role of Data Owner/ Data Process Owner

Tip: While some data elements may have obvious and non-controversial Data Owners, others will not. Define a process for escalation and arbitration for those instances where determination is difficult

·Create candidate list of Data Stewards

o  Identify Stewardship Leader for each data community.

o  List individuals who have subject-matter expertise for the data

o  List individuals who most closely ­fit the role of Data Steward

Tip: Stewardship Leader for each data community are candidates who are not just equipped with the knowledge based of their domain, but they’re also empowered. Understand this difference as you start drafting out your list. Basically, you need respected, empowered members of a community to help you drive the equipped.

·Create candidate list of Data Custodians

o  List individuals who manage the applications that handles the data for the community

o  List individuals who make changes to the physical data definition or usage

Tomorrow, we’ll explore what to do once you’ve identified which of the highlighted candidates above are ready for Data Community Membership.

For more detail and help on some of the highlighted tips on Community of Stewardship formation around your Data value chain.

Book a Free Call with me to discuss your challenges and we can explore simple strategies for actualizing your governance success.

Lara Gureje